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Join Us

Get Involved

We have four main types of Membership within our company!  There is a place for everyone who wishes to contribute to the Slippery Rock community.


Active Membership, Temp-Active, and Junior Membership in the Slippery Rock Vol. Fire Co and Rescue Team is open to persons that work or reside within the Slippery Rock fire district. The fire district comprises all of Slippery Rock Borough, Slippery Rock Township, Worth Township, and West Liberty Borough. And, parts of Cherry Township, Brady Township, Plain Grove Township, and Liberty Township.


Active Members and Temp- Active must be at least 18 years of age.

Temp-Active is for members that our temporarily residing in our jurisdiction.

Junior Membership is for those ages 16-17.


Applicants that wish to be active firefighters and/or EMT's will undergo a background check and a drug screening. There is no cost to the applicant for these requirements.

A vote on the applicant will be taken at a regular meeting of the membership. If accepted, the applicant will be on a six month probationary status upon which time a final vote of acceptance will be taken.


Social Memberships are available for those that wish to support us in other ways.

Social members need not live or work in the fire district.

The application fee for social members is $10.00. Social members may be called upon in emergencies if needed.

Live IN Program

Want to serve the community while living for free?

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Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways you can apply:

In Person

162 Elm St. 

Slippery Rock, PA 16057


Print and email your completed application.

Slippery Rock Fire-Rescue

Please feel free to contact us!


Phone: 724-794-3817 or 724-406-9016

Fax: 724-794-3482

Facebook: Slippery Rock Volunteer Fire Company and Rescue Team

Instagram: ENG_33_TWR


Slippery Rock Volunteer Fire Company and Rescue Team

162 Elm St.

Slippery Rock, PA 16057


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